Independent, local filmmaking and commercial content creation with Virtual Production technology.

MVP’s Goal - embrace and master a disruptive approach to filmmaking and content creation

Midwest Virtual Productions (MVP) was established in 2020, and purpose-built to develop, build and produce original, local commercial content featuring real-time, in camera VFX (ICVFX) Virtual Production technologies. Virtual Production is an area of digital content creation workflow that deals with real-time use of computer-generated assets during different stages of the production process.

It includes real-time animation through motion capture as well as real-time compositing utilizing a green/blue screen or LED wall that requires advanced camera tracking technologies that enables creatives to receive immediate feedback on their work and make changes on the fly.

It is an agile process characterized by starting VFX earlier and leveraging technology throughout the entire production life cycle to enhance the way content is created.

MVP’s Team - fusion of two unique disciplines to create compelling content

The Virtual Production technologies available to the content creators and storytellers today has reached a tipping point with output qualities that do not distract viewers, but rather create an equally immersive experience as traditional film production techniques. To effectively harness these tools requires a unique combination of unrelated technical knowhow - video game engine software, virtual production workflows and filmmaking.

MVP has organized a Southeast Michigan-based, cross-functional team of professionals with the technical knowhow to create compelling stories using the latest Virtual Production tools and techniques. The MVP Team includes local independent film professionals and experts in video game design and software like Epic Games Unreal Engine.

After a lengthy immersion the MVP team has learned how to accomplish high quality outputs that will underpin original content creation in 2023 and beyond.

In-Camera VFX (ICVFX)

In-camera VFX (ICVFX) refers to effects that are captured while filming, rather than being added later in post-production. In modern filmmaking, in-camera VFX usually refers to the process of rendering 3D environments on large LED walls and filming actors and props on a physical set in front of an LED wall or a greenscreen.

The live talent on the stage is rendered in real-time with the virtual environment producing a complete, composited image that can be sent to post for fine tuning, or used as is. MVP primarily uses greenscreen in its current production workflows.

MVP Workflow - agile, mobile virtual production

MVP uses a combination of Aximmetry virtual production software (real-time in camera VFX - ICVFX using a greenscreen or LED wall/volume) + Unreal Engine + RETracker Bliss/Fizz (advanced camera tracking) in its Virtual Production pipeline. MVP can deploy hardware and equipment in any studio space with a properly lit cyclorama or greenscreen.

This combination of technology is being utilized effectively by large and small film studios around the globe.